W的独特之处&麦哲伦项目是一个充满可能性的项目. 当你追求麦哲伦项目时,你选择在你的教育经历中处于领先地位. W&J学院提供资金,这样你就可以在夏季的几个月里启航, exploring a passion, an interest, an internship, 留学机会, a research trip, or all of the above. 你走出了教室,学习你所关注的东西. 它可能就在某个角落,也可能就在世界的某个角落.
A Magellan Project begins with your idea to create an opportunity to pursue your passions in an original way. Faculty advisors provide the coaching and support you need to take your project from idea to reality. 对于你的项目,你写你的提案,详细的计划,并设定预算. 一旦获得批准和资助,你的冒险就开始了. 在这段旅程中,你会发现比你想象的更多.
Hear Their Stories
The best way to see the diversity and potential of the Magellan Project is to see what others have done and be inspired to discover what you can do.
澳门葡京博彩软件通过W得到的支持&能够旅行是独一无二的. That’s specific to W&J. 当我从W毕业的时候&我的目标是走遍每一个大洲. 多亏了麦哲伦计划,我已经走到一半了.
As the national conversation shifts to include decreasing stigma about seeking mental health treatment, 21岁的本·海姆想从全球范围了解这个问题,并学会与之抗争.
“我认为麦哲伦号是W&我的学生,”她说. “It gave me the experience and courage I needed to be able to travel and use my language skills without worry, 我认为每个人都应该好好利用它.”